The Cannes Film Festival is no stranger to socially conscious, or politically acute films. Some of the most successful documentaries have celebrated their inaugural moments there, including the top grossing doc of all time, Michael Moore’s Farenheit 9/11. This year’s festival buzz surrounds the Internet entrepreneur (kudos!) Charles Ferguson who’s 2007 Iraq War documentary, No End in Sight was nominated for best documentary at the Academy Awards. Ferguson’s documentary “Inside Job”, narrated by Matt Damon, chronicles the inception of our economic mess: the deregulation of the financial industry. Among the people interviewed in the film are former Fed Chairman Paul Volcker, billionaire financier George Soros, U.S. congressman Barney Frank, of SNL fame (just kidding), and former New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer.

Ferguson: “I had several goals… one was just to show people actually this isn’t that complicated…(they) actually can understand what happened here. It was pretty straightforward, in fact. This was the biggest heist of all time…and I think many of the people who were involved in it were perfectly aware that that’s exactly what it was.

When I first entertained the thought of Aliquot Films, and entering the world of independent cinema, it was exactly this type of subject matter that inspired me. Stories that matter; stories that inform, incite and inspire. Films that brings truth to the screen and move society forward. It seems new methods of limitation are thrown our way everyday. We each have an opportunity, each and everyday, through the living art that is our very lives, to combat this, to move society forward. To inform, incite and inspire those around us to greater heights, prosperity and charity.

What will you do today?

“The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remain as your legacy.” -Kalu Iche Kalu

All my best,


Jay Kubassek.


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1 thought on “Cannes Film Festival: Pulling back the curtain on the Crisis.”

  1. Hi Jay,
    I just wanted to stop by and thank you for your words of inspiration, your writing always has a hypnotic feel good believe in yourself effect on me and I can’t wait to read that book of yours.

    Have an excellent weekend, doing what you do best and dear I say I will see you at the next 10 for 10!

    Thanks for being you Jay.


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Thoughts On Google And China

February 9, 2010 | 2

Google’s decision to second-guess its relationship with China has raised some interesting questions recently. Namely, whether Google’s decision sprang from their moral opposition to censorship, or simply from a decreased financial interest in a country with a much more popular search engine, known as Baidu. So far, the controversy appears to be more of a commercial, as opposed to a political dilemma. A private, business-related concern. But whenever the question of morality, of a battle between good (Google) and evil, comes into play in the news, you can be sure that the blogosphere will start freaking out.

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