June 5, 2009 2:00 pm (somewhere over the midwest)

In this rare occasion I though it it would be interesting (for my own gratuitous reasons) to put into print exactly what it is that I am doing… at this exact moment. Is this not the reason that we have the “what are you doing now” feature on facebook? Is this not the sole purpose of Twitter?

So here goes… (I wrote this a few days ago en route to LA and then the Cayman Islands.)

-On Continental flight 17, seat 3B, which left on time, surprisingly, from Newark, en route to LA; (can’t say for what though…)
-Drinking a shitty red wine (Faux Bordeaux.)
-Listening to none other than the almighty Serge Gainsgerg for romantic inspiration (instead of my usual iTunes genius mix of Ratatat, Constantines, Mars Volta, Sigur Ros, and Arcade Fire.)
-Reading an article in 7.09 Esquire. (Great cover shot of Bar Refaeili btw!)
-Just finished the graphic novel “Strongman” by Charles Soule. (Great book – El Tigre would be honored to know you were interested.)
-Sitting next to my beautiful girlfriend who does not realize that she is laughing out loud while watching Bride Wars, not unlike the fat guys eating pasta across the aisle in 3F and 3G (who are also drinking the same cheap red… and, now they are passed out on each others shoulders. So cute!)
-Wondering how I am going to propose… Yes, that right. (I have the stone in my bag at my feet.)
-Wondering if she has any idea…?
-Wondering if i will be able to pull it off in a way that people do in the movies… (romantic, tear-filled, joyous.)
-Wondering if I should just slip it on her finger while she sleeps at the Beverly Hotel tonight. (Hmmm that s a pretty good one.)
-Argh! These are the crappiest first class seats ever installed.

(P.S. She said “yes” and considering the shrieks of joy–I believe that I did ok. After an amazing dinner at Eric Ripert’s BLUE… I hid the ring in a match box and asked her to help me light my Cohiba on the moonlit terrace overlooking the Ritz pool. It was Epic.)







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5 thoughts on “What were you doing on June 5, 2009 at 2pm?”

  1. Congrats on implementing a stealthy strategy… glad she said yes! “Happiness is fought for, never Deserved”
    Thanks for helping me out… Have safe travels.

  2. That is sooo cool!

    Congratulations Jay 🙂

    Been married nearly 16 years & still loving….just keep your inner renewal going & forgive, forgive.

    Wish you all the best for your life together!


  3. Congrats Jay! I know how that feels. I’m newly engaged myself…well, 9 months now that is. I was wondering how I was going to propose and everything I planned kept changing. So I finally got the chance to do it on the beach here in San Diego.

    Many blessing!


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MESKADA Goes Into Production!

May 11, 2009 | 23

I am excited to be joining the MESKADA production (as Producer) which officially goes into production May 12, 2009. Shooting is scheduled to begin on June 8th.

Starring Penn Badgley (“Gossip Girl”) Kellan Lutz (“Twilight”) Vincent D’Onofrio (“Law and Order” “Brooklyn’s Finest”) Cynthia Nixon (“Sex and the City”) and Mary-Kate Olsen (“The Wackness”)

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