Ratatat and I go way back… way before iTunes where good music still had legs. I remember when I first heard them like it was yesterday.

Its great to see how talent and persistence pays off sometimes. In a big way. These guys went from playing empty clubs to rockin Terminal 5 with over 1000 people last night. Nice. Here is a little video I threw together from the show. Enjoy:)

Myspace: myspace.com/ratatatmusic

RATATAT Loud Pipes (Filmed, Edited, and Produced by Yours Truly)


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Thoughts On Google And China

February 9, 2010 | 2

Google’s decision to second-guess its relationship with China has raised some interesting questions recently. Namely, whether Google’s decision sprang from their moral opposition to censorship, or simply from a decreased financial interest in a country with a much more popular search engine, known as Baidu. So far, the controversy appears to be more of a commercial, as opposed to a political dilemma. A private, business-related concern. But whenever the question of morality, of a battle between good (Google) and evil, comes into play in the news, you can be sure that the blogosphere will start freaking out.

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