The frost has bid what we hope to be it’s final farewell. The Sun, after a rather extended holiday it seems, has returned to New York City. Put the jackets in the attic, break out the shorts, tan the legs spring is here!

I’ve always been a fan of springtime (although who isn’t right?) there’s something so necessary and almost magical, about those first few days. When it seems half of the city hasn’t gotten the memo yet, and there’s always a couple people who are romping around in blizzard-worthy attire, while those who don’t leave bed without checking the weather are sporting the new khakis they got on sale. Ah sweet, sweet Spring!

Now let me tell you, I love a pair of good khakis! But… that’s not why I get so excited for this season. I love Spring because of one very simple thing. Choices.

I once read: “No man can know the word spring, until he comes to see a winter pass.” I’m no stranger to the cold and snow, trust me Canada certainly holds its own in the “battle royale” of winters. I can still remember as a child the strange thrill of the grass beginning to peek through the earth, the days getting longer, and of course there was spring vacation.

Spring meant choice. No longer would I have the details of my day dictated by the weather, it was the season of freedom.

Becoming an entrepreneur is like finding Spring all year round. Your day is no longer at the whim of a boss, or a commute (I’m still working on the weather part). Each day is filled with illimitable possibility.

As this spring gets underway, I invite you to celebrate your choices; the choice to be an entrepreneur, to pave your own path, to make your own mark. Celebrate the fact that you don’t have to be in a cubicle all day, you don’t have to punch in and out, and your commute can be as far as living room today if you feel like it.

Many people have been conditioned to think that one has to suffer to experience success. It’s as though one must be stricken with a dull, boring life to remain focused, or to continue achieving.

Let me be the first to say this is so, so very wrong! Success comes as a result of doing what you love, and doing it well. From the value you provide to the society you serve. Not from attempting to endure the uncomfortable for as long as possible. Of course, hard work is involved. But hard work does not have to be a sufferable experience. An entrepreneur must learn to maintain a sense of urgency even when their back IS NOT against the wall.

Take your business outside this week. Invest in a wireless card. Make what you enjoy to do, part of your daily business routine. Answer some emails from the park or your backyard, do your follow up calls from the beach today. Celebrate the fact that you can actually make these choices.

I’ve got some steaks on the grill, gotta run.

All my best,

Jay Kubassek


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3 thoughts on “Welcome to Spring. Celebrate the Choice.”

  1. I am interested in your business but I guess I’m afraid because I have been in other businesses with little or no success! But aa my grannie always said nothing beats a failure but a try!

  2. I am a newbie connecting with the team as

    was suggesting.

    Like this,truly refreshing!!! apposed to

    the hard core stuff of Internet Marketing.


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The Philosopher

January 26, 2010 | 32

It was a heavy and wet morning when the trees let out quiet sighs, aching from the fresh weight of the evening’s frost. A man sat in his study watching exhausted leaves tremble and fall, spilling light with each pirouette. It was a morning not unlike any other for this man. He rose at seven, as was his custom.

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