Merry Christmas Jessica–

Thanks to the efforts of your persistent and inspiring mom, 78 people made an average donation of $235.60 each over the last 24 hours and we have successfully raised the full tuition for your next semester at Wheaton College.

The funds will be wired to Wheaton College today.

Merry Chrsitmas!

Jay and all your friends at CarbonCopyPRO



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4 thoughts on “Thanks Everyone! GOAL MET!”

  1. WOW! What a wonderful holiday gift! Not just for Jessica, but for all who contributed as well. We got the gift of giving.

  2. We will NEVER forget the generosity and true heart of Jay and his wonderful family and all of our Carbon Copy Pro family members who went out of their way, and out of their pockets to ensure that Jessica continued her studies at Wheaton!

    Yesterday she got her report for the last semester and she did astoundingly well and is on the Dean’s list!

    Thank you for enabling her to continue!

    You are all a huge blessing.

    We will treasure this experience for a lifetime 🙂

    Have a wonderful Christmas and all the very best for 2010!

    God bless you all,

    Lots of love from the Phillibert family!

  3. Jessica Phillibert

    Thank you so much again Jay for finding it in your heart to put my story out there and make this all happen. Thanks again also to each person who donated, no matter the amount I am so truly grateful. I will try my best to make this semester worth all of your efforts.

    I’m still so amazed at how many people were willing to contribute to my education. Thank you so very much for taking the time to listen and to care enough to give.

    Merry Christmas to all!

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