It could just be me, but I swear it seems everyday we’ve got something else to call people. Democratic Socialists and Neo-Republicans. Octogenarian purists and Chamomile tea Evangelists. Conservative, Progressive, Libertarian. White collar, blue collar, green collar, pink collar. Blah, blah, blah. Where does it all end?

My personal thought is this: we’ve only got two types of people on the planet: The Talkers and The Doers. Period.

Talkers have hopes, Doers have plans.
Doers are curious, Talkers are skeptical.
Talkers are really good at pointing out problems, but never can offer any solutions.
Talkers are spectators, Doers are players.
Doers are builders, Talkers are boarders.

I know I’m not the first person to point this out, and I certainly won’t be last, the point is we have a CHOICE. The choice to make this day, this week, this Fall, this month, this year, this life…exactly what we want it to be. We have the choice to act.

A new season is here folks, let’s leave the sideline where it belongs.

“Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned.”~ Peter Marshal

All the best,


Jay Kubassek


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1 thought on “It’s Called the Sideline for a Reason”

  1. Hi Jay!

    I totally appreciate the concept you’ve pointed out clearly between the Talkers and Doers.

    This is a call for folks of which life they wanted to live for.

    Thanks for sharing this!


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