15 years ago I bought a pair of shoes. Just last month I lost them. Why is this newsworthy? Give me a minute.  I bought them in a local Kansas shop, in a town where I used to live: lime green Asics with yellow stripes. At the time, I was just starting to gain traction in my business life, but far more importantly, my son was about to be born. I didn’t intend for these shoes to become so sentimental to me, but they soon did.  Born after 38 hours of labor, my wife at the time doing the hard work (obviously) and me just pacing back-and-forth, back-and-forth, basically wearing a hole in the floor of the birthing center with ...

I'm Jay Kubassek

I’m Jay Kubassek, entrepreneur, investor, father and believer in bigger things. While I live the exact life I want, and with purpose...