CarbonCopyPRO is proud to announce the launch of PRO Elite at MME7 in Phoenix May 21.


Since the event sold out over a month ago, countless people have been asking if there is a way to watch the event live streaming online…You asked, we have answered. Live Streaming Accounts for MME7 Open Tomorrow!! Keep reading for more exciting details!


Countless people are clamoring to get in on the action. Some cite “excuses” like graduations (not sure why people even bother sending their kids to college nowadays, but that’s a different story) cost of travel, kid’s birthday, you name it… We hear every reason under the sun as to why people can’t make the trek to Phoenix this weekend.


Here is what they are missing:


We are unveiling PRO Elite!


  • Brand new marketing systems and sales funnels featuring cutting-edge “webinar machine” technology and other super cool stuff.
  • Brand new “turn-key” direct-mail lead generation solutions (Yeah, we are working with Dan Kennedy’s “guy” who has mailed over 170 MILLION pieces for hundreds of companies generating over a BILLION dollars in revenue.  This is classified information by the way!)
  • A chance to have a beer with Michael Force (and even “the real” Jeff Lerner)
  • A chance to see Frank & Anthony speak for the second time from stage. (They NAILED their maiden voyage on stage at Jonathan Budd’s event last week–holding hands and all…)
  • A chance to hang out and shoot the breeze with megaminds and megastars
  • And so much more!! You get the point…

Thus, hundreds of PRO members have asked for the LIVE streaming option. (They say that if Ray and Ferny can do it, we can do it too. And, heaven knows that we are not the type to lag on trends… especially considering we play second fiddle to no one. Not even the tequila swilling duo from CA.)


So, we’re doing it:


For the first time ever, we’re going to make our Master Marketing Event this weekend available to you online in high definition streaming video.  This means if you wanted to attend MME 7 this weekend but couldn’t make it, you can still be there with us in Arizona “virtually.”


Not only will you be able to view the event live from your computer at home, in HD, you will be also be able to share the link with your prospects who are interested in the next generation of PRO, so you can make money from the event at the same time.


AND, you will (for a very substantial, yet well-worth price) get the chance to virtually attend the “Special TEN-FOR-TEN Style Workshop,” taught by PRO’s top earners on Sunday morning, May 22nd, scheduled for 9am-1:15pm. (Limited to only 30 real humans in live experiential person form, but hundreds in the virtual space)


Let the fun begin…


Stay tuned for more details later today!


In the mean time… Click this image to download the MME7 Program!





Jay Kubassek
CEO & Chief Marketing Officer



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5 thoughts on “Witness the launch of PRO Elite LIVE from Phoenix!”

  1. Thank you Jay, getting to follow the events virtuallly will connect us and inspire as well. I had processed everything like airticket and hotel booking and only to be denied my visa due to the fact that my passport had expired and could not accept an extension which I had obtained from our embassy. I am not sorting the issue passport so that I can make it next time you hold another live event.


    Howard Mahere

    1. Todd – Mike here from PRO! Yes, you will be able to watch it 24 hours after the event! So feel free to check it out that evening!! Thanks!

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