I have been a gmail fan since the day it launched almost five years ago. (Time to take down the beta badge Google!) Since then I have noticed that most of the internet savvy people in my life also reside on gmail ave. Maybe its the 7 gigs of free storage or the creepy ads that morph themselves into relevant blurbs of clickable text upon each refreshment.
Read MoreHello friends, As mentioned on today’s WAKE UP Call, this evening I presented a special engagement web-event. This is a recording of the webinar: “WAKE …
The X, Y, Zed of Successful Living Read More
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You make all the money from the poor souls like me who actually believed you…. you just cost me lots of money. You not transparrent with costs when the poor soul joins , I have not made a cent. My marketing patner did not help much… you not considering other markets and currency diffrences, And your training calls happens when we sleep … my membership is missing , I never received it