1.   KeywordSpyPro.com– This tool will kick out the top competitors winning on this keyword. This will often be decidedly different from SpyFu. Great analytics (budget, clicks etc.) Pay special attention to the ROI index 1-100 (70+ is acceptable). Also take note of the comparative information for PPC competitors vs. Organic competitors and overlapping keywords for your target demographic.

2.   Spyfoo.com– This tool will list the top 20 advertisers for any specific keyword. Both Paid and Organic. It will also kick out great data on the daily budgets of these advertisers, the amount of Clicks they receive as well specific people’s NAMES that are being used as a keyword.

3. Google.com– Good ole’ Google. Up to the minute information based on actual Google search queries. Doesn’t get much better than this if you know what to look for. The new left-bar tabs allow you specify the time frame of your search query, which can be very helpful to evaluate certain spikes in keyword interest, results etc.

4. Alexa– This a great ranking system that ranks every single URL in the entire world (Google being #1 of course). All based upon traffic only. Visitors per month, location, demographics, time on page, bounce rate etc. This is very helpful for SEO and Organic marketing strategies.

5.  Keyword Tool External (Google)- This information is based directly on actual Google Search Queries. Good stuff.

Hope this is helpful. If there is something you would like to hear a helpful tip or two about on my page Please feel free to Leave a Comment. I encourage it. I do my best to read them all, and do appreciate your feedback.

Also if you feel the information may be helpful to someone you know, please send it along.

All my best,


Jay Kubassek


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13 thoughts on “5 Great (FREE) Competitive Analysis Tools”

  1. These are great, thanks! While we’re divulging secrets on your blog… another one I could NOT live without is Market Samurai. They have some free tools, but the small one time fee is well worth it too. Sorry no affiliate with this one 🙁


    Mr’ Jay Kubassek

    Thank you, for being seen me,
    all this Tool, is a GOOD stuff!

    thank you x3…

  3. thanks jay for all you do for us.

    ps. im not out of a job yet.but by next year here in michigan i will be. so this is what iam studying for so i can get myself trained in so i can take care of my familey. thanks jay and aaron for all you do for us.

    my best to you all.

    david munn

  4. Jay’

    I am a “newbie” that is on the cusp of benefitting monetarily from the intricacies of the internet. I made my first few bucks the other day, did it truthfully and above board. I consider you a shining example of what “Truth on the Web” is all about. Thank you for these very helpful tools.

    Larr Stahl

  5. Hello Jay, The picture of you and your daughter is by far my favorite. You must be so proud. Alexa.com has always been a favorite tool of mine. I look forward to investigating SpyFoo.com.
    Happy 4th of July weekend!

  6. Hi Jay,
    Great info, but a question still beckons. I know the google tools are free, but the others are not, what gives? Are there totally free tools out there that can help with keyword research and overall comp analysis with features for backlink tracker, social tracker, etc.?
    Thanks for the article.

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