Grace and Nature

There are two ways of being. There are two ways through life… the way of Grace, and way of Nature.

And, each of us has to choose which one we will follow.

Grace does not try to please itself. It accepts being slighted, forgotten, disliked. Accepts insults and injury.

Nature only wants to please itself… and others to please it too… it likes to lord it over them… to have its own way. It finds reasons to be unhappy while all the world is shining around it. And love is showing in all things.

He taught us that no one who loves the way of grace, ever comes to a bad end. I will be true to Grace, whatever comes.

SOURCE: The Tree of Life starring Brad Pitt and Sean Penn (my vote for Best Pic 2012)


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The Myth of the Risk-Takers

April 8, 2010 | 0

In a recent piece in one of my favorite mags, the New Yorker titled “The Sure Thing,” Malcolm Gladwell, the king of countering widely held American assumptions, wrote that risk taking is not actually a widespread quality among hugely successful entrepreneurs. In fact, it’s just the opposite. Major entrepreneurs like Ted Turner and John Paulson are in reality so risk averse that they take—or took, when accumulating their massive wealth—all possible precautions to reduce risk. Big-time entrepreneurs, Gladwell suggests, are not the kind of wild gamblers who, because they have the courage to take big risks, eventually make a lot of money. They are more akin to the MIT Blackjack Team, from the book “Bringing Down the House,” or the movie with Kevin Spacey “21,” who discovered the game of blackjack was legally beatable, if you applied certain mathematical principles to it.

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