You Get What You Give

An entrepreneur once asked a wealthy and established businessman, “How did you do it?  How do you continue to increase your profits year after year?  I spend hours each day racking my brain, trying to figure out how to make (get) money – and I can’t seem to do it.”

The wise businessman gave the young man a very sage piece of advice.  “It has never been, and never will it be, my intention to make money.” he told him. “My intention has always been to make a better product.”

When we shift the focus from how we can “get” to how we can “give”, success becomes inevitable.

All my best,


Jay Kubassek

P.S. This article is based on the April 30, 2013 WAKE UP! podcast Get What You Give

Listen to Podcast replay below…

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The Philosopher

January 26, 2010 | 32

It was a heavy and wet morning when the trees let out quiet sighs, aching from the fresh weight of the evening’s frost. A man sat in his study watching exhausted leaves tremble and fall, spilling light with each pirouette. It was a morning not unlike any other for this man. He rose at seven, as was his custom.

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