A little over two years ago Google announced the 10^100 project. Where people all over the world could submit ideas in competition for millions in funding. It began with two simple questions: What would help? And help most?

2 years later, and over 150,000 ideas submitted, Google announced their 5 winners. I’m pleased, but by no means surprised, to find that The Khan Academy (www.khanacademy.org) is amongst the winners. Awarded 2 million dollars to help the organization create more courses and translate them into multiple languages, the Khan Academies meteoric rise is just another testament to the power education and philanthropy combined.

As for the other 4 winners…well let’s just say I think I might have come up with a couple things a little cooler (monorail capsule bicycles?). What do you think?
Read More: Click here to check out the other winners.

All the best,


Jay Kubassek


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1 thought on “Khan Wins!”

  1. Thank you, Jay!!!

    I saw the tail-end of a documentary awhile back on the Khan Academy but didn’t recall the link. This will be a GREAT resource for Tanner and Olivia to assist with our home-schooling this year and going forth!

    You are so linked in to the greatest $tuff!


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