Hello friends,

As mentioned on today’s WAKE UP Call, this evening I presented a special engagement web-event.  This is a recording of the webinar: “WAKE UP: The X, Y & Z Factors of Successful Living”.  Check it out, it was epic!

This is part of the 3-part series we just wrapped on BlogTalkRadio.  In this 38 minute webinar I go into detail and discuss the following:

How to:

  • Identify your X, Y, and Z Factors
  • Define your Value to Society
  • Uncover your “distinct” uniqueness
  • Turn your existing life experience into your biggest assest
  • Capitalize on the vast potential you have inside you
  • Exploit your own talents and abilities, (so that you no longer have to allow others to exploit them for you.)
  • Begin to create a lifestyle by design, a Digital Life

See you there!


P.S. Feel free to share this webinar!

P.S.S. There is nothing for sale on this webinar.  It is pure, raw, unfiltered, and amazing content.

C’mon, lets WAKE UP together!






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The Urgency of Importance

June 12, 2009 | 9

It’s amazing how something that urgently demands our attention almost always seems to appear important. But is it? Understanding how to recognize the two as separate has really been an eye-opener for me and has helped me prioritize how I spend my time.

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