You get up, walk to the bathroom. You wash your face, and as the water is dripping off of your face, you look up in the mirror, and staring back at you is the person you always knew you could be.

You pound your fist on the counter top and say in a quiet yet victorious voice: “You did it….You did it! I knew you could. I knew it. I knew it!”

You catch a smile in the mirror out of the corner of your eye as you turn out the lights and head to the kitchen to refill your coffee.

Suddenly you hear a door open and your two sleep-eyed kids come wandering into the kitchen… “What’s for breakfast dada?” asks your son… “I’nna watch a movie dad” says your daughter in the sweetest little voice.

“What do you want for breakfast kids..?” you ask.

“Frosted Flakes!”

“Alright, Frosted Flakes it is!” you reply. “I want eggs and bacon!” chimes in your daughter.

Out comes the milk, the bowls, and the Frosted Flakes. The eggs, the bacon and the toast…

By 7:30 you are in the gym, and by 9am showered and ready to rock out another awesome day.

You are on top of the world.

You are invincible.

You are free.

You are flying, high.

You are high on life for the first time in years.

The trek into work, the BS, the politics, the endless meetings, the chit-chat, the small-minded people complaining about their lives.

All of that is behind you and you have joined the ranks of the few. The proud. The brave. Those who write their own ticket in life – those who create their own way.

Those who have authentically done the work on themselves in order to tap into, and leverage the potential that was always locked away inside.

Those who refused to fall in line and identify with “normal.” Those who sell their lives to soulless corporations. Those who create their own way, who love their lives, their friends, and their families.

You have joined the ranks of those who are smart enough to know better than to dedicate precious years to building someone else’s dream.

You have escaped the self imposed slavery and created your own circumstances for success. There is no feeling like it, and there is no going back. You were all chips in. Fully committed. You hung in there even when circumstances where tough… but now, you are free at last.

But, it wasn’t always this way. You paid the price. There were days, weeks, and years when the future wasn’t certain. But, you persisted. You hung in there… you stuck with the dream you had and eventually the universe conspired to give you what you wanted, what you deserve.

Your environments and circles of influence eventually shifted until you were surrounded with people who believed in you, fully. People who saw you for the success that you already were – even before it was apparent to the world.

You did it.

YOU DID IT and the sweet taste of abundance couldn’t possibly be sweeter. You’re a fucking rock-star and deep down inside you ALWAYS knew it.

But, more than anything – you are at peace with yourself and in love with YOU. You are “being” exactly who you were intended to be:)

Are you ready to WAKE UP to the future you really deserve? Are you ready to play the game of life full out? If so – I want to be there to help you do that.

You deserve it. C’mon, let’s do this together. Take the next step here.




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