This is one of those things that is really fun to use when you want to impress you wife/husband (or “the ladies,” etc) with your …
Do You Have Clairvoyant Powers? Read More
Read MoreI am an entrepreneur and that life doesn’t come easy. I am an entrepreneur by choice and given that this road is less traveled, has …
Your commitments have to be big enough to drive you. Read More
Read More, and this land of opportunity we live in. The earliest settlers of this fair country celebrated Thanksgiving in appreciation for a bountiful harvest. It’s …
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Thanks I really needed to hear this it is all about keeping your mind focused on the goal.
Thanks… But why don’t you pick me as a challenge for you to turn a very skeptical guy(me) to earn $10,000 a month??
Because to have any hope of success as an entrepreneur you have to let go of every entitlement mentality — success is ALWAYS earned; and never given:)
True entrepreneurial spirit showing through, this is exactly how it should be done by helping others to get where they want to be. Great move Jay!
Jay this video should be mandatory for new entrepreneurs coming into Carbon Copy Pro.”Power is not given it’s taken” I had to learn this the hard way after over 20 years of being a traditional bricks and mortar business owner.
Success is a mindset that’s developed over time and the sooner one realizes this the closer you get to your goals in life.You can’t listen to the noise you’ve got to just it, no whining, no complaining just shut up and do it.
Great Video,