, and this land of opportunity we live in.

The earliest settlers of this fair country celebrated Thanksgiving in appreciation for a bountiful harvest. It’s safe to say that few of us have had the opportunity to experience the benediction of growing and tending our own crop (although some us are rather handy on a John Deere). The virtual world will live in, while a remarkable innovation, makes it difficult to see the tangible fruits of our labor. However, we still must not only appreciate each step, we should celebrate these moments, as they are the fabric of our existence.

It could be learning how to “tweet,” or shoot a rifle. It could be making a new friend on Facebook, picking your first domain name, getting that brush cleared, or mending the fence. Each is an example of progress, an accomplishment in and of itself. The scale matters not, it is simply the act of doing.

As we move into the holiday season let us not forget to be thankful for the myriad amount of things that we all too often take for granted. The 21st century has made basic necessities subjects of entitlement. Let us avoid this trap, and continue to appreciate all things. I mean come on, the Internet?…we are so spoiled.

All my best,

jay_signature v.1


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2 thoughts on “Giving Thanks.”

  1. Never lose that perspective, my friend. Thanks for sharing…and be proud of being handy on a John Deere, too…good times.

  2. Ha! You know it my friend:) Getting ready to buy another Deere actually. Just a lawn mower/yard tractor for the about to be purchase estate in jerz… but trust me when i say it will be top of the line!

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There are two ways through life…

August 17, 2012 | 0

“There are two ways through life… The way of nature, and the way of grace. You have to choose which one you will follow. Nature only wants to please itself. Get others to please it too. Likes to lord it over them. To have its own way. It finds reasons to be unhappy when all the world is shining around it. And, love is smiling through all things. Unless you love, life will flash by. The only way to be happy is to love.”

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