“If we do not change our direction, we are likely to end up where we are headed. ”
All my best,
Jay Kubassek
The idea of whether the Internet is making us more intelligent or less intelligent, more vulnerable to distraction or more capable of skillful multi-tasking, seems to have obsessed the majority of print and online media journalists lately
Read MoreThe decision to transform your American Dream into reality does not need to be triggered by a life-changing event. Choices must be made. Effort and time will be required, but less time than you might imagine. Your inner life will grow as well, and you’ll meet some remarkable people along the way.
Read MoreLuck: Pronunciation: \ˈlək\ Function: noun 1. a: a force that brings good fortune or adversity b: the events or circumstances that operate for or against …
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We should always have a goal. Check out the top music charts and the latest top hip hop, pop, rnb an dance hits at groovybaby.us.
Awesome quote Jay and so true.
I’ve published a blog called ‘The 4 Internet Marketers Who Changed My Life’ Your good self and Aaron are number 1 on the list.
Check it out here if you have a spare couple of minutes.
Have an awesome day!
Daniel Carmichael