Every day, every moment, every thought, and every action has a compounding effect. Eventually, you can predict the course of your life.
This week’s Wake Up call came loud and clear; it woke me up in the middle of the night out of a dead sleep.  So many thoughts have been spinning around in my head with everything that is happening in my life.  And, then it finally hit me what this all meant.
When I look back to 2004, it’s pretty clear I have gone through several personal transformations. Initially when I started out, my main driving force was helping myself get out of the rat race. I desperately wanted to be in control of my destiny. It pissed me off to no end that I was busting my ass, working day in and out to build someone else’s dream. I was making all this money for some company and not for me.  Did I do okay at my job? Yes. But at my deep, deep core I was not fulfilled.
But after I had achieved that for a while, I became complacent.  That ego-centered life wasn’t doing it for me anymore and I wanted to share what I had accomplished with the world.  That next goal was to create 100 millionaires.  I went from 100s of students to thousands all over the world. My income stream exploded.  It was incredibly satisfying and incredibly rewarding.  I helped thousands of people make their own way, opened their minds to living an abundant life and watched them succeed at starting their own home businesses.
My mom used to say: “Jay, you can’t control your thoughts but you can control what thoughts take seed.  You can’t control a bird landing on your head, but you can control it building a nest.”  That’s the same premise as everything that ultimately controls your life.  Don’t let the limiting, negative thoughts take root.  Focus on the goal and never lose sight of it.  Stop worrying about the future, stop worrying about how you are going to accomplish it and just stay in the moment.
Here is my challenge to you!  Write this down each day and ask it of yourself: how well did you control your thoughts? Did you allow yourself to stay in the moment, or did you let guilt or depression overpower you? Tell those thoughts to get out of here! You are now taking back control of your own life. You are choosing to dictate the course. After some practice, you will feel more empowered. You will feel more confident. You will be generally happier than before. And it will become second nature.  Instead of forcing yourself to do these things, you will do them automatically.
Remember every thought you have and every action you take will either take you closer to or farther away from the ultimate goals of your life.  Determine where you want to be in the next year and don’t lose sight of that.  If you don’t change the way you think and act you will be in the exact same place you were last year. If you start living each moment with true purpose and intention, by next year I guarantee you will be a blazing light in this world!
-Jay Kubassek

The WAKE UP CALL is now a Top-10 (business category) show on Blog Talk Radio! Join me  every Tuesday at 10:30 am ET (GMT – 5) and join the thousands of people around the world who are waking up to their potential every week. (Miss the live call? Catch this week’s WAKE UP call right here!)



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Google, A Way Of Life

June 22, 2009 | 5

I have been a gmail fan since the day it launched almost five years ago. (Time to take down the beta badge Google!) Since then I have noticed that most of the internet savvy people in my life also reside on gmail ave. Maybe its the 7 gigs of free storage or the creepy ads that morph themselves into relevant blurbs of clickable text upon each refreshment.

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