Internet security is currently as hot, if not THE hottest topic in technology today. Between the Wikileaks fiasco, congressional hearings with Facebook, and everything in …
Read More30,220 Listens to this week’s show… Are you eaning your salt? Most CEOs are productive only 20-30% of the time. Entrepreneurs are productive 80% of …
Are you earning your salt? 30,220 people heard this and took action… Read More
Read MoreCarbonCopyPRO is proud to announce the launch of PRO Elite at MME7 in Phoenix May 21. Since the event sold out over a …
Witness the launch of PRO Elite LIVE from Phoenix! Read More
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I feel truly blessed to be part of this community Jay. What a great job you, Aaron and all the guys from PRO have made with Insideout II..Can’t wait to share it with relatives and friends!
Dear Teacher.
l am very happy to be here together with people who shows same or different kind of interested for the value you are giving to ous. l am so happy.
You know more than my journey its not been easy but l have understood sorry to say so important to use a notebook and a pencil you are teaching ous new things each day. The best l loved with SFM is that l can compromise better and use more freedom and the sad part is l have to train better about when to start and where to end. Your addication is pure like our swedish legal schools here in sweden. l see no difference between your quality international teaching and now l write to fast l am messing up with my computer…l am sorrry for this…l wish you a great day..miss your webinars…take good care…alot of blessings from Sweden to my especial teacher.
Warm Regards.
Your New Active Student.