Larry King hosted a telethon last night to raise money for the Gulf oil spill recovery effort. Teaming up with FACEBOOK AND TWITTER, King was able to raise $1.81 million, in just 2 hours! Yes, just 2 hours. Further proving that social media continues to the be the soup de jour of philanthropy. Proceeds will go to the United Way, National Wildlife Federation or The Nature Conservancy.
CNN’s telethon for Haiti relief in January raised a record-breaking $5 million.

Robert Redford, a maverick defender of environmental efforts, hit it on the head: “had somebody been connecting the dots and ignored the propaganda that was coming out of the company and the consequence of the collusion between government and the oil companies that has been going on for decades, we would have seen this thing coming. It would not be a question of whether this would happen, but when.”


TEXT COAST to 50555 to donate $10 to the recovery effort.

All my best,


Jay Kubassek


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There are two ways through life…

August 17, 2012 | 0

“There are two ways through life… The way of nature, and the way of grace. You have to choose which one you will follow. Nature only wants to please itself. Get others to please it too. Likes to lord it over them. To have its own way. It finds reasons to be unhappy when all the world is shining around it. And, love is smiling through all things. Unless you love, life will flash by. The only way to be happy is to love.”

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