Attention and Distraction

The idea of whether the Internet is making us more intelligent or less intelligent, more vulnerable to distraction or more capable of skillful multi-tasking, seems to have obsessed the majority of print and online media journalists lately

Google, A Way Of Life

I have been a gmail fan since the day it launched almost five years ago. (Time to take down the beta badge Google!) Since then I have noticed that most of the internet savvy people in my life also reside on gmail ave. Maybe its the 7 gigs of free storage or the creepy ads that morph themselves into relevant blurbs of clickable text upon each refreshment.

The Urgency of Importance

It’s amazing how something that urgently demands our attention almost always seems to appear important. But is it? Understanding how to recognize the two as separate has really been an eye-opener for me and has helped me prioritize how I spend my time.

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